⚠️ This project has been discontinued. The development and production cost for a reliable smart ring are too high for a side project. We decided against running this project as a full-time venture. Feel free to send an e-mail if you have any questions about what we learned.
How This Started
Looking at the smart-ring market, all A-players want to focus on health, the majority of them want to monetize with subscriptions. We did not find an alternative low-cost product that’s open and delivers on quality. That was a disappointing discovery. Smart rings have huge potential for a ton of use-cases. Why is there no reliable and open smart ring for people to build cool things upon?
Our Mission
We are set to build a Smart Ring focused on utility, with an open and developer friendly API to allow everyone to build upon it. There is no subscription, we intend to finance this through hardware sales and to build and improve our apps through open source.
We believe that a big reason for the rapid developments in many fields in recent years was driven by open software as well as collaborative development. We believe the time is right to work towards an open smart ring.